Open the Door: A Short Story About Life
Initial Release : 2022-11-11

- Welcome, friend — and thank you for stopping by. We know there are more apps vying for your attention nowadays than there are stars in the night sky, yet somehow, you found your way to this one.
Explore dreamlike vistas on this charming little journey of introspection
- Open the Door is a short, 3D adventure game in which you’ll wander through soft, ethereal dreamscapes filled with quiet wonders, gathering up coins and whatever little bits of joy you can find along the way. Through each door lies new opportunities — a new and wondrous location to explore.
- You can play it on iOS and Android :

- There are no difficult action sequences, nor vicious monsters, nor complex puzzles to frustrate you here. This is a story that anyone and everyone will be able to experience in full: one that you can enjoy at your own pace, with no ads to break your immersion.

- This is not a game that will challenge you in the traditional sense. But if you only open the door, you might just find something resonant, something of value in this short story about life. And maybe —just maybe— that something could have a small but positive impact on how you live your own.

- We’d like that. We’d like that very much.